Why you get a B? You no B-sian, you A-sian!
Why this blog? Why now?There you have it. Inspiration for my blog.
Fun factoids:
No, I don't go to a top 50 or even top 100 sch0ol.
Yes, I had to look up what HYPSM meant (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and MIT for the uninitiated).
No, I didn't get a 1500 on my SAT.
Yes, I once dreamed of Harvard .
No, I don't have a 4.0.
Yes, I would trade 1 point of my MCAT for a 0.1 increase in GPA.
No, I didn't get a 35 on my MCAT.
Yes, I had to tackle the beast twice.
No, I am not an Asian.
Why yes, I am a B-sian! What makes me so? I am painfully average.
Fun factoids:
No, I don't go to a top 50 or even top 100 sch0ol.
Yes, I had to look up what HYPSM meant (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and MIT for the uninitiated).
No, I didn't get a 1500 on my SAT.
Yes, I once dreamed of Harvard .
No, I don't have a 4.0.
Yes, I would trade 1 point of my MCAT for a 0.1 increase in GPA.
No, I didn't get a 35 on my MCAT.
Yes, I had to tackle the beast twice.
No, I am not an Asian.
Why yes, I am a B-sian! What makes me so? I am painfully average.
I am applying to medical school this year, and I am worried about EVERYTHING: my grades, MCAT, research, extracurriculars; heck, I am even worried about my height, hair, and weight.
I feel like a disorganized, uninspired mess, so I am writing this blog to make sense of the Barnum and Baley that is the admissions process.
Various emotions (credit to SDN) I imagine I will be feeling as a re-applicant:
Enjoying the ride
How I really feel about the admissions process.
What, you lost my secondary again?
Interviewer: Why do you want to become a doctor?
Me (to self): Did you not read my primary? What about the secondary? What am I paying for?
Me (to interviewer, with utmost sincerity): I like helping people.
Interviewer (to self, trying to control disdain): Rejection pile.
I should've totally talked about that one time in band camp...
Fly on the wall at an adcom meeting...
Another rejection?
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