Me: My dreams of marrying a doctor have been crushed. Almost none of the schools have a large percentage of Asian Indians :(
Note to those reading: I am half joking, half serious.
Me: For grades purposes, yes. For Mrs. Degree purposes, no.
Friend: rofl
This brings me to the medium of marriage in our generation. You guys have (or if rejects you), and we have For your amusement, I have posted some comments I saw while cruising the site for entertainment (It never fails!, and yes, I recognize how suspicious this looks). I won't be so cruel as to post their actual profiles, though I suppose it wouldn't be as cruel considering it is in a public forum. Regardless, some amount of sensitivity must me maintained:
Note to self: Um, that's it? I guess he has low expectations. Good for him...?
i wish to get marriage with my sister in september sam day
Note to self: Uh, what? I am praying he meant he wanted to get married on the same day as his sister because if not, this is seriously messed up, even more so than Bill Henrickson's love life in Big Love.
I am VERY health conscience.
Note to self: What? When did health become a moral obligation? I guess I should lay off the bon bons and nightly trysts with Rocky Road and Chunky Monkey.
Have you ever been arrested?
Note to self: This reminds of all the questions on SDN about gunners. Chances are, if you're posting about one, you're one. It takes one to know one.
i am very intelligent punctual sincere and responcible person and i am not saying this by myself its opinion of others
Note to self: I guess intelligence doesn't come with editing skills or humbleness?
Father a lawyer and Mother a medical doctor. Very talented family full of great energy and vigor. An outgoing bunch. One brother in the process of completing his degree in Law, and my sister has begun her Medical studies this Fall at an Ivy League university. Basically, when you look up in the sky you'll see our asses in the air because we've made it to the top.
Note to self: Because who doesn't enjoy looking at their in-laws' asses?
From the same poster as above:
One last note: I'm not as mean as I may sound in this profile. Some of you have sent me lots of hate for no particular reason. I'm very straight forward --an upfront guy. Having a high self esteem is crucial and though I'm not a vain guy all the ceilings of our home have full length mirrors installed so I can always look up to myself.
Note to self: Mean? Narcissistic? Whoever came up with those words to describe you were WAY OFF the mark.
So not all the profiles sucked and this one was pretty awesome. I included it to let you know not all guys are self-conceited bastards (or they're very good writers who can hide said conceitedness?). This one is linked since he didn't say anything God awful embarrassing or cringe worthy. You never know, you could be thanking me later.
Now, back to secondaries (AKA staring at the computer screen blankly, praying for some inspiration).
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